Our leadership reflects the community it serves, starting with CEO and Founder, Charles.
Growing up, Charles’ life mirrored the environments of our participants. The environment was often negative and encouraged destructive decision making that disempowered the community. But Charles was determined and wanted more. He did not want to be a product of his environment.
As CEO of Building a Better You, he takes lessons learned from his business life in giving people a leg up and has created programs that will enable people to pursue a better life for themselves before they encounter the criminal justice system or drop out of traditional education.

Building a Better You aims to empower individuals within their own community, broadening out Charles’ history of inclusion into a community-focused effort that gives people the tools they need to find success for themselves. He believes people can change their stories and trajectories if given the chance. After giving many from his own community a chance in private business, he now wants to help others to grow in the same way.